
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the incidence of acute respiratory infections in the modern world. Despite the growing etiological significance of viruses in the structure of infectious diseases, the importance of bacterial pathogens in the development of respiratory pathology remains. The risk of unreasonable prescription of antibacterial drugs increases. The irrational use of antibacterial drugs has affected the spread of microorganisms with high resistance to antibiotics. The article presents current knowledge on the role of the most common pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia in children, data concerning the S. pneumoniae strain with reduced sensitivity and resistance to penicillin, macrolides. Information about isolates of S. Pneumoniae with decreased susceptibility to third-generation parenteral cephalosporins (cefotaxime and ceftriaxone) have appeared. The number of β-lactamase-producing strains of H. influenzae resistant to unprotected aminopenicillins is rising. The main steps of the diagnostic process of community-acquired pneumonia approved in the clinical guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia in children in 2022, which were adopted by the Russian Ministry of Health, are considered. This document sets out clear algorithms for diagnosing and selecting antibacterial therapy in children on an outpatient basis. Algorithms for selecting initial antibacterial therapy in outpatient settings are also proposed. In most cases, S. pneumoniae is a causative agent of community-acquired pneumonia in children, which defines the selection of an initial antibacterial drug. According to the clinical guidelines, oral amoxicillin at a standard dose of 45–55 mg/kg/day given in 2–3 divided doses is such a drug for children aged 3 months and older. Particular attention is paid to amoxicillin in the form of dispersible tablets.

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