
Virtual reality therapy (VRT) constitutes a powerful and motivating tool for stroke patients to actively participate in the process of neurorehabilitation, providing augmented performance feedback, with the aim of achieving better therapeutic results owing to the enhancing of neuroplasticity mechanisms. To report the most relevant data about the applications of VRT in the post-stroke neurorehabilitation. We conducted a PubMed search for articles, latest books, leading clinical practice guidelines, and scientific societies, regarding such applications. Different performed randomized clinical trials (RCT) show that VRT safely facilitates in a statistically significant way motor and functional recovery of upper limb, gait, balance, quality of life related to health, and activities of daily living, together with conventional therapy, but have no clearly demonstrated overall superiority to conventional therapy. In this regard, underlying specific mechanisms remain elusive at this stage. Future RCT should define the good responder stroke patient profile based on the VRT used in conjunction with conventional therapy, allowing the generation of neurorehabilitation approaches that combine a customized immersive VRT with the clinical experience of the therapists, to maximize the results. It is necessary to carry out well-designed RCT, including larger samples of appropriately selected stroke subjects, to draft a consensus document that allows recommending, with a greater level of evidence and on a widespread basis, the implementation of VRT as add-on therapy in post-stroke neurorehabilitation. As well as to determine if the beneficial effects are maintained in the long term and to clarify the most suitable treatment schedule.

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