
BISCHOFF, H. W., AND W. R. LYONS. Immunologic investigation of hypophyseal tnammotropic prepara′tions. To appear in this Journal. Mammotropic (lactogenic) preparations made from beef or sheep pituitaries were found to be an′tigenically indistinguishable as far as could be determined by the technics employed for active and passive anaphylaxis, Dale and Arthus reactions, precipitin and complement fixation tests. As little as 12 micro′grams of beef or sheep mammotropin sufficed to produce anaphylaxis in sensitized guinea pigs, whereas normal guinea pigs receiving 20 milligrams showed no bad effects. Severe skin reactions were produced in rabbits sensitized to either beef or sheep mammotropin when they were injected intradermally with 1.0 mg. of either beef or sheep mammotropin. The mammotropic preparations were free from serum proteins and whether made from beef or sheep pituitaries they produced in rabbits, precipitins or complement fixing antibodies capable of reacting equally well to like concentrations of either sheep or beef mammotro′pin.

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