
From the standpoint of professional criticism, interested in obtaining the best result, the current state of the educational course in higher mathematics at the technical universities of Ukraine is analyzed. A discrepancy between the classical (analytical) methods for solving problems presented in it and the computer (numerical or numerical-analytical) methods that are used in the current practice of engineering calculations is noted. To eliminate this problem, it is proposed to introduce into the training course, along with lectures and practical classes, the third component of training - the cycles of laboratory practicums in higher mathematics using personal computers. Laboratory practicums are designed to demonstrate to junior students studying higher mathematics the ability to solve real problems from applications to technology and physics using its methods. In addition, in the form of laboratory practicums, individual sections of the engineering course of higher mathematics are studied, which, due to lack of time and other, often subjective, reasons, have recently been taken out for optional learning (differential geometry of a plane and spatial curve, surfaces of the second and higher orders, practical harmonic analysis, multi criteria optimization, and a number of others). To ensure this modernization, it is proposed to divide the general course of higher mathematics into two streams (vector analysis and scalar analysis) and to increase the number of classroom lessons to 32 – 36 hours per week, that is, to the level of the world's leading technical universities. In addition, the mathematics course is coordinated with the computer science course, where, in a priority order, first-year students are taught to work in the MathCAD interactive computer environment. And in order for the reform to take place without attracting additional funds for salaries, it is proposed to increase the teaching load of teachers of higher mathematics and computer science by 30 % (which is compensated by a decrease in the load on scientific work and other activities).

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