
Ankle sprains are one of the most frequent injuries of the musculoskeletal system. The injury pattern determines the treatment and are crucial for the outcome. Nonoperative treatment is commonly recommended for isolated injuries of the lateral ligaments but no standard strategy exists in combined ankle ligament injuries. The goal of this national survey was to achieve an overview about the current diagnostic strategies and common treatment concepts in Germany. All members of the German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DGOU) were invited to participate in an anonymous survey about the diagnostic and therapeutic approach in cases of ankle sprains. The online survey consisted of 20questions. Besides questions about the speciality and scope of activities the participants were ask to depict their diagnostic and therapeutic strategy. A total of 806 participants completed the survey. Most of them were orthopedic trauma surgeons and worked in ahospital. During the first presentation the anterior drawer test (89.5%) and the inversion/eversion test (81.6%) were most commonly used, 88.1% always make an X‑ray examination and 26.5% an ultrasonography examination. Isolated injuries of the anterior fibulotalar ligament (LFTA) were treated nonoperatively by 99.7% of the participants, 78.8% recommend full weight bearing in an orthesis, 78.8% treat the complete rupture of the lateral ligaments without operation whereas 30.1% stated that they would treat acombined lateral ligaments rupture with an injury of the syndesmosis nonoperatively. Due to the heterogeneity of injury patterns after ankle sprain no consistent recommendations for diagnostics and treatment exist. The Ottawa ankle rules and ultrasonography were not often utilized despite of the good evidence. The isolated rupture of the LFTA is diagnosed and treated according to the national guidelines by most of the participants. In cases of combined injuries of the lateral and medial ankle ligaments the majority choose anonoperative treatment strategy which is justified by the guidelines with alow level of evidence. Combined injuries of the syndesmosis and the lateral ankle ligaments were treated operatively, which also correlates with the recommendations in the literature. The standard care of ankle sprain in Germany is in accordance with the recommendations from the current literature.

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