
Trauma is still the leading cause of death in children. Post mortem studies have shown a high incidence and a high rate of deaths related to pelvic fractures and associated injuries. The pelvic ring in children has characteristics that differentiate it from the adult. The bone tissue is more elastic and is covered with a thick periosteum. Elasticity mainly translates into plastic deformity when it is impacted. Overall, lesions tend to be more stable as the relatively thick periosteum limits bone breakdown. As a result of this elasticity, the intrapelvic organs are more vulnerable and injuries can occur in the absence of fractures. High energy is required to produce a fracture and this energy can be transferred to the pelvic organs. Minimally displaced fractures may be the result of high energy trauma with a significant risk of further intrapelvic and intra-abdominal injury. This leads to a relatively high incidence of pelvic and abdominal organ injuries associated with stable fractures. A complete lesion of the pelvic ring anteriorly or posteriorly or a complex pelvic lesion is a high risk factor for morbidity and mortality. Treatment in the pediatric patient with a pelvic fracture has historically been guided by concepts that have become established in adults. The main parameters in the decision making process are hemodynamic stability and the degree of mechanical instability of the pelvis. The purpose of this review is to report current knowledge on pelvic ring fractures with a particular focus on their management and treatment.

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