
Background: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most common median nerve compression neuropathy. CTS presents in 3.8% of the general population, affecting female more than male. CTS can be clinically or surgically treated, based on the severity of the disease. This study aimed to reported current concept management of carpal tunnel syndrome. Case Presentation: A 48 years old female presents with history of numbness on her left hand since 1 year ago, which were preceded by pain on her wrist. Her symptoms are worse at night, she often awakes because of the pain, and she shakes her hands for relief. The numbness was getting worse when she was working with her left hand. She also felt progressive decrease of sensation on her left hand. No systemic symp­toms are noted. On examination, there is obvious thenar muscles atrophy on her left hand. There is no weakness on motoric examination. Wrist and finger range of motion are within normal limit. She felt tingling sensation on her 3 radial digits with Tinel and Phalen maneuvers. Results: Non-operative treatments, like splint­ing, corticosteroid injection, exercise, and oral medication are still widely used and effective to reduce symptoms of CTS. For operative treat­ment, OCTR still become a standard treatment of severe CTS. Conclusion: Carpal tunnel syndrome manage­ment can be done by operative or non-operative treatments. Keywords: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Correspondence: Pamudji Utomo. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Prof. Dr. R.Soeharso Ortho­paedics Hospital, Surakarta. Email: utomodr­@yahoo.com. Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2020), 05(01): 70-86 https://doi.org/10.26911/theijmed.2020.05.01.11

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