
Abstract As a basis for implementing actions in the frame of Work package 6 - healthy living environments in the Joint Action Health Equity Europe, each of the 13 participating countries conducted a country assessment. Methods The country assessments were self-assessments conducted in the first quarter of 2019. Partners received templates that had been agreed upon beforehand. Most of them conducted the country assessments by themselves or with the help of colleagues from their institutions as a desk-based review, and validated results with external experts and stakeholders. The first part of the country assessment referred to how municipal health promotion capacities are currently developed in the countries. Through the second part of the country assessment, each of the 13 countries selected up to 4 promising practices. Results In most of the 13 countries, municipalities have a clear mandate to promote health. However, there is a big heterogeneity in resources, structures and capacities of municipal health promotion within and between countries. One key challenge is the self-government of municipalities and health promotion as a voluntary task. One of the main problems is a deficit in intersectoral working. It appears that poor municipalities are even more disadvantaged in terms of capacities for municipal health promotion. 33 promising practices were identified, covering programmes, strategies, tools and interventions mostly from the local level, with a big variety of topics and approaches for health equity. Conclusions There is a big fragmentation and heterogeneity in municipal health promotion between and within European countries. National and regional public health authorities are in the position to contribute a lot to support municipalities. This can include promoting quality development, providing data, integrating health equity in existing structures, plans and approaches or collaborating with the broad range of existing stakeholders and networks.

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