
CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY: ANNOTATED ALBERT J. DEFAZIO III George Mason University [HEMINGWAY REVIEW bibliographer Al DeFazio welcomes your assistance in keeping this feature up-to-date. Please send reprints, clippings, and photocopies ofarticles, as well as notices ofnew books, directly to him at 1837 Satinwood Court, Vienna, VA 22182. E-mail: bibliographer@hemingwaysociety .org.] "Hemingway, Ernest." The Columbia Encyclopedia. Edition 6, 2000: 17532. [Not entirely reliable: "son of a country doctor...." "served...in the Italian infantry...." "He fought in World War 11." "After his expulsion from Cuba by the Castro. . .."] "Illustrated Chronology." A Historical Guide to Ernest Hemingway. Ed. , Linda Wagner-Martin. New York: Oxford UP, 2000. 195-211. "Key West Icon Kermit 'Shine' Forbes; Was Hemingway's Sparring Partner." The Washington Post 18 Feb 2000: B07. ["Kermit 'Shine' Forbes, 84, the legendary sparring partner of novelist Ernest Hemingway and a popular icon of old Key West, died of pancreatic cancer Feb. 16 at Lower Keys Medical Center."] "Printed Books and Manuscripts: Including Americana and Recently Discovered Manuscripts by Ernest Hemingway: Auction, Friday, 19 May 2000." New York: Christie, Manson & Woods International Inc., 2000. [Catalogue of auction; the properties ofAnthony Mason.] Asswailim, Saad Misfir. "Myth, ideology and silence in three novels by Vance Bourjaily." Diss. Case Western Reserve U., 2000. DAI 61 (2000) 04A.: 1398 [The second chapter of this dissertation examines the influence of Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms on Bourjaily's The End of My Life in terms of the myth of the American Adam.) Barlowe, Jamie. "Hemingway's Gender Training." A Historical Guide to Ernest Hemingway. Ed. Linda Wagner-Martin. New York: Oxford UP, 2000. 117-153. THL HtMiNGWAY RtviFW. vol.. 2i. no. i. IALL 2001. Copyright Co 2001 The Ernest Hemingway Foundation. Published by the University of Idaho Press, Moscow, Idaho. CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY · 109 Beegel, Susan F. "Eye and Heart: Hemingway's Education as a Naturalist." ? Historical Guide to Ernest Hemingway. Ed. Linda Wagner-Martin. New York: Oxford UP, 2000. 53-92. [Establishes the influence of the environmental movement of EH's youth on his writing.] Bodnar, Steven, "With the Resulting Stillness." The Hemingway Review 20.2 (Spring 2001): 114-117. [Poem.]. Brenner, Gerry and Abe Abramson. Hemingway's Paris, [n.p: n. pub.], 2000. [1 sound cassette discussing the social, literary, artistic, musical atmosphere of EH's Paris.] ---------. "Manolin on Hemingway's Santiago: A Fictive Interview." Thalia: Studies in Literary Humor 19.1-2 (1999): 3-13. [An aged Manolin reflects on Santiago.] Breu, Christopher David. "Hard-boiled Masculinities: Fantasizing Gender in American Literature and Popular Culture, 1920-1945." Diss. University of California, Santa Cruz, 2000. DAI 61 (2000): 07A. ["Chapter Two on Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises chronicles the transformations that take place when the hard-boiled male travels from the mean streets of the American city to the bars and cafés of Paris."] Bridgman, Joan. Rev. of Hemingway: The Final Years by Michael S. Reynolds. Contemporary Review 276.1610 (March 2000): 163-164. Broer, Lawrence R. "Vonnegut's Goodbye: Kurt Senior, Hemingway, and Kilgore Trout." Al Millennium's End: New Essays on the Work of Kurt Vonnegut. Ed. Kevin A. Boon. Albany: SUNY Press, 2001. [Concerns Vonnegut's on-going quarrel with violence and aggression in EH's work.] Burrell, Mark. Water Line: Ernest Hemingway: Cubans, Yanquis, and the Ship on the Tennis Court. Miami: Valiant Press, 2001. [Ref. EH's homes and haunts.], Butsche, E. Rev. of The Only Thing That Counts: The Ernest Hemingway and Maxwell Perkins Correspondence, 1925-194/ ed. by Matthew J. Bruccoli with Robert W. Trogdon. Georgia Review 53.4 (1999): 827-829. Candito, Mimmo. Professione, Reporter di Guerra: Storia di un Giornalismo Difficile, da Hemingway a Internet. Milano: Baldini & Castoldi, 2000. I In Italian; ISBN: 8880898213.] Carter, Steven. "A Note on Ernest Hemingway's 'Ten Indians' and William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury" The Hemingway Review 20.2 (Spring 2001): 103-106. 110 ¦ THE HEMINGWAY REVIEW Chatman, Seymour. "'Soft Filters': Some Sunshine on 'Cat in the Rain.'" Narrative 9.2 (2001): 217-222. [Discusses point of view.] Chethik, Neil. Fatherless: How Sons of All Ages Come to Terms With the Deaths ofTheir Dads. New York: Hyperion, 2001. [Chapter on EH.] Corn, David and...

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