
ABSTRACT Augmented Reality (AR) offers new opportunities for Citizen Science (CS) projects regarding data visualization, data collection, and training of participants. Since limited research on the usage of AR in CS projects exists, an online survey is conducted in this study by reaching out to CS project managers to determine the extent of its current use. The survey can identify areas where CS project managers themselves see the greatest potential for AR in their projects and reasons that exist against the use of AR. A total of 53 CS project managers participated in the survey and shared their opinions and concerns. Of all participating CS projects, only three are currently using AR. However, 27 CS projects indicated that AR could be beneficial for their project. Especially projects with a geographic focus, in which participants are involved in the process of collecting spatial data, expressed this opinion. Particularly in the areas “data visualization” and “attraction/motivation of participants” the projects identified potential for AR. Arguments against the use of AR named by 23 CS projects include remote study areas, financial considerations, and the lack of a practical use case. This study shows initial trends regarding the use of AR in CS projects and highlights specific use cases for the application of AR.

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