
The contemporary nature of Mobile Devices has brought about evolution process making computational algorithm and networking capabilities to keep up to pace with its constantly growing workload requirements in it usage. This has allowed devices such as smartphones, tablets, and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) to perform increasingly complex activities making it more efficient enough to replace the traditional options like desktop computers and notebooks. However, due to their portability and size, these devices are more prone to theft, to become compromised, or to be exploited for attacks and other malicious activity. The need for investigation of the aforementioned incidents resulted in the creation of the Mobile Forensics (MF) discipline. MF, a sub-domain of digital forensics, is specialized in extracting and processing evidence from mobile devices in such a way that attacking entities and actions are identified and traced. Apart from the MF being used for extraction and processing evidence from mobile devices, the MF has recently expanded its scope to encompass the organized and advanced evidence representation and analysis of future malicious entity behavior. The activity of mobile device in crime also falls under the classification of cybercrime as sophisticated devices such as smartphones can be used by hackers on the move. Nonetheless, data acquisition still remains its focus. While the field is under continuous research activity, new concepts such as the involvement of Cloud Computing in the MF ecosystem and the evolution of enterprise mobile solutions – particularly Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) – bring new opportunities and issues to the discipline. The current paper presents the research conducted with the MF ecosystem during the last 7 years (Konstantia Barmpatsalou, Tiago Cruz, Edmundo Monteiro, and Paulo Simoes. 2018. Current and Future Trends in Mobile Device Forensics), identifies the gaps, and highlights the impact or implication in different jurisdiction. There is a need to have well defined research programmes to constantly search into the behaviors and flaws of institution on cyber safety and challenges that behalf governance on decision making. Keywords: Mobile Forensics, Cybersecurity, Device Management, smartphones, Politics, Trust BOOK Chapter ǀ Research Nexus in IT, Law, Cyber Security & Forensics. Open Access. Distributed Free Citation: (2022): Current and Future Trends In Mobile Device Forensics Book Chapter Series on Research Nexus in IT, Law, Cyber Security & Forensics. Pp 215-220 www.isteams.net/ITlawbookchapter2022. dx.doi.org/10.22624/AIMS/CRP-BK3-P35

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