
We study the dynamics of certain 3d mathcal{N}=1 time reversal invariant theories. Such theories often have exact moduli spaces of supersymmetric vacua. We propose several dualities and we test these proposals by comparing the deformations and supersymmetric ground states. First, we consider a theory where time reversal symmetry is only emergent in the infrared and there exists (nonetheless) an exact moduli space of vacua. This theory has a dual description with manifest time reversal symmetry. Second, we consider some surprising facts about mathcal{N}=2 U(1) gauge theory coupled to two chiral superfields of charge 1. This theory is claimed to have emergent SU(3) global symmetry in the infrared. We propose a dual Wess-Zumino description (i.e. a theory of scalars and fermions but no gauge fields) with manifest SU(3) symmetry but only mathcal{N}=1 supersymmetry. We argue that this Wess-Zumino model must have enhanced supersymmetry in the infrared. Finally, we make some brief comments about the dynamics of mathcal{N}=1 SU(N) gauge theory coupled to Nf quarks in a time reversal invariant fashion. We argue that for Nf< N there is a moduli space of vacua to all orders in perturbation theory but it is non-perturbatively lifted.


  • We will study some N = 1 models with time reversal symmetry

  • We argue that this Wess-Zumino model must have enhanced supersymmetry in the infrared

  • We make some brief comments about the dynamics of N = 1 SU(N ) gauge theory coupled to Nf quarks in a time reversal invariant fashion

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The action of time reversal symmetry

The Majorana mass term is odd under time reversal symmetry (whatever sign in (2.3) we use) T (iλλ) = iλT γ0γ0γ0λ = −iλλ. In theories with N = 1 supersymmetry, the superspace consists of the usual coordinates xμ and the Majorana Grassmann coordinates θα. Since the θα are Majorana, time reversal symmetry must act on them as in (2.3): T : θ → ±γ0θ. To write time reversal invariant theories we need W to be a pseudo-scalar. We cannot write any time reversal invariant superpotential W (R) which does not contain superspace derivatives since there is no way to make it odd under time reversal symmetry as required in (2.4). Any time reversal invariant theory of a real scalar superfield must have an exact real flat direction.

The ABC model
A dual description with emergent time reversal symmetry
Massive deformations of the Wess-Zumino model
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