
Light is very sensitive matter. In terms of mass of a photon is important in every field of matter thus for the universe. The scientists of many countries are trying to find the mass of photon by experiment since 1936 and continuing this work in various countries. But the obtained results are differing to each other. So, we cannot consider these mass of a photon. On the other hand matter is made by the photons. We get this idea from the Einstein equation E = mc2. Again, energy is nothing but the bunch of photons. I calculate the mass of a photon (1.6596x10-54 gm) [1] and this mass is applicable to all fields. Here, in this article, we can calculate the mass of “Curie particle” (Unknown to us) by using this mass of photon & is related to Higgs and other sub-atomic particles. The energy of Higgs particle is very low as per BICEP2`s experimental report [2] and I reported about this matter in the year 2011 to “The Authority of CERN, Editor of Press release of CERN and many other places” by emailing, but did not get answer in this regards. But this is very interesting that as per “Universe Today” report (20th November, 2014) of BICEP2 (Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization), my calculated observation supports their views. Dr. A. P. J. ABDUL KALAM, SRIJAN PAL SINGH reported (17 June, 2015) the mass neutrino as 1x10-37 kg [3] (in terms of energy is 0.056095861 eV) obtained from calculated results from the difference of two particles. Again, as per report, 19th June, & 27th July 2015, my calculated values tallied “The LHCb collaboration” [4], “ATLAS” [5] experiments. From this view, we have to think on photon`s mass and its activities. From the calculated results, we can say, the mass of a photon is correct and it is applicable to all fields from the particle to the universe.

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