
While most recognise the centrality of the cross to Christianity, there is not the same consensus as regards its meaning. Then while it is clear that both the suffering and death of Jesus were instrumental in salvation, why did he die in the horrible way that he did? Crucifixion was the preferred method of execution for political offences by the Romans, and by its horror was intended to deter. Paul understands that the crucified, by being hanged, bears a curse, which is carried by Christ so that people can be blessed in the declaration of justification. The actual suffering and death were due to enforced immobility, a total loss of freedom, and is the ultimate in the process of self-emptying by the son of God in incarnation. As such it is an appropriate penalty for sin which is an abuse of the liberty given to humanity. These three reasons for the cross then relate to the main theories of the atonement which are aspects of a full understanding. Union with Christ in his suffering is then atoning. Opsomming Terwyl die kruis algemeen aanvaar word as die hoeksteen van die Christelike geloof, is daar nie dieselfde ooreenstemming wanneer dit kom by die betekenis daarvan nie. Terwyl dit ook duidelik is dat die lyding en sterwe van Jesus onlosmaaklik verbind word met die verlossingsplan, onstaan die vraag, waarom moes hy so ‘n wrede dood sterf? Kruisiging was die gekose metode van straf vir politieke oortredings gedurende die Romeinse oorheersing en primêr bedoel as afskrikmiddel. Paulus redeneer, dat omdat die gekruisigde aan die kruis hang, hy ‘n vloek dra wat dan ook op Christus rus waardeur die mensdom deel kan hê aan die vryspraak en regverdigmaking. Die werklike lyding en sterwe aan die kruis was as gevolg van geforseerde inperking van die liggaam en ‘n algehele verlies van vryheid. Dit is ook die uiteinde van die proses van self-ontlediging as die seun van God in sy menswording. Dit is dan ook ‘n gepaste straf vir sonde wat ‘n misbruik is van vryheid wat aan die mensdom toegestaan is. Hierdie drie redes vir die kruis hou dus verband met die vernaamste teorieë oor versoening wat weer aspekte is van ‘n groter geheelbeeld. Verbintenis met Christus in sy lyding kan dus gelykgestel word aan versoening.

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