
Special Topic Issues "Confounding the Color Line: Indian-Black Relations in Historical and Anthropological Perspectives." Special Segment. James F. Brooks, Guest Editor. 22(1& 2): 125-258. 1998. Reviews of Ian Frazier's On the Rez. 24(2): 279-306. 2000. "Native Voices: An Informal Collection of Papers Presented at the AAA Meeting, November2000." Compiled by June-El Piper. 25(1): 1-45. 2001. Articles, By Volume 22(1& 2), Winter/Spring 1998 Navajo Livestock Reduction in Southwestern Utah, 1933-46: History Repeats Itself. Robert S. McPherson. 22(1& 2): 1-18. 1998. The Question of Regional Bands and Subtribes among the Pre-conquest Pai (Hualapai and Havasupai) Indians of Northwestern Arizona. Timothy Braatz. 22(1& 2): 19-30. 1998. Translocations and Transformations: Identity in N. Scott Momaday's The Ancient Child. Susan L. Roberson. 22(1& 2): 31-45. 1998. Writing the Talking Stick. Laura E. Donaldson. 22(1& 2): 46-62. 1998. "It Was Their Fault for Being Intractable": Internalized Racism and Wounded Knee. Julian Rice. 22(1& 2): 63-82. 1998. Culture as Cultural Defense: An American Indian Sacred Site in Court. Bruce Miller. 22(1& 2): 83-97. 1998. Contemporary Native Art II: A Bibliography. Compiled by Lawrence Abbott. 22(1& 2): 98-103. 1998. Interview: Sandy Osawa. Lawrence Abbott. 22(1& 2): 104-15. 1998. Nothing Compares to Comparison: Reflections on the Social Issue of the American Indian Quarterly Dedicated to "Writing about American Indians." Michael C. Coleman. 22(1& 2): 116-24. 1998 (Commentary). Confounding the Color Line: Indian-Black Relations in Historical and Anthropological Perspective. James F. Brooks. 22(1& 2): 125-33. 1998. Intimacy and Empire: Indian-African Interaction in Spanish Colonial New Mexico, 1500-1800. Dedra S. McDonald. 22(1& 2): 134-56. 1998. "The English has now a Mind to make Slaves of them all": Creeks, Seminoles, and the Problem of Slavery. Claudio Saunt. 22(1& 2): 157-80. 1998. Strategy As Lived: Mixed Communities in the Age of New Nations. Daniel H. Calhoun. 22(1& 2): 181-202. 1998. "African and Cherokee by Choice": Race and Resistance under Legalized Segregation. Laura L. Lovett. 22(1& 2): 203-29. 1998. Blood Politics, Racial Classification, and Cherokee National Identity: The Trials and Tribulations of the Cherokee Freedmen. Circe Sturm. 22(1& 2): 230-58. 1998. 22(3), Summer 1998 "I would rather be with my people, but not to live with them as they live": Cultural [End Page 679] Liminality and Double Consciousness in Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins's Life Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims. Noreen Groover Lape. 22(3): 259-79. 1998. Remembering Chief Seattle: Reversing Cultural Studies of a Vanishing Native American. Crisca Bierwert. 22(3): 280-304. 1998. Discerning Connections, Revising the Master Narrative, and Interrogating Identity in Louis Owens's The Sharpest Sight. Chris LaLonde. 22(3): 305-25. 1998. "The laying aside of a shield": Ethnographic Power Struggles in Oliver La Farge's Indian Fiction. Erik Trump.22(3): 326-42. 1998. Coyote's Cannon: Sharing Stories with Thomas King. Robin Ridington. 22(3): 343-62. 1998. The Nine Lives of Cherum, the Pai Tokumhet. Henry F. Dobyns and Robert C. Euler. 22(3): 363-85. 1998. Ritual Knowledge in Hopi Tradition. Maria Danuta Glowacka. 22(3): 386-92. 1998 (Commentary). 22(4), Fall 1998 Snoqualmie Ethnicity: Community and Continuity. Kenneth D. Tollefson and Martin L. Abbott. 22(4): 415-32. 1998. "We Will Make It Our Own Place": Agriculture and Adaptation at the Grand Ronde Reservation, 1856-1887. Tracy Neal Leavelle. 22(4): 433-56. 1998. Of Metaphors and Learning: Navajo Teachings for Today's Youth. Robert S. McPherson. 22(4): 457-68. 1998. "I Lied All the Time": Trickster Discourse and Ethnographic Authority in Crashing Thunder. Michelle Burnham. 22(4): 469-84. 1998. Applying Communitas to Kiowa Powwows. Luke Eric Lassiter and Clyde Ellis. 22(4): 485-92. 1998 (Commentary). "Urban Nightmare." Karenne Wood. 22(4): 493. 1998 (Poetry). "Colors." Karenne Wood...

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