
In 1923 the name of our Society's official publication became Radiology, and the December 1972 issue completed fifty years of publication under that name. Indexes are now available for all the issues printed in these fifty years. For Cumulative Index I (1923–1942), a volume of 389 pages, Marion B. Crowell and Florence Roper Jeffery built a framework and set a style of indexing which have been elaborated upon with few basic changes ever since. Although in 1973 computers took over the laborious typing, filing, and final editing of the Index, these fundamentals continue substantially the same as before. We have moved with the times, however. For example, in Cumulative Index VII (1968–1972) there will be found an attempt to follow the classification of constitutional bone abnormalities proposed by Langer and Maroteaux (99:691, 1971) and there are also many instances of subheads promoted to major headings throughout the book. The growth of our specialty is indicated by the increase in the number of original pa...

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