
It is common in the literature to not consider all sources of uncertainty simultaneously: input, structural, parameter, and observed calibration data uncertainty, particularly in data-sparse environments due to data limitations and the complexities that arise from data limitations when propagating uncertainty downstream in a modelling chain. This paper presents results for the propagation of multiple sources of uncertainty towards the estimation of streamflow uncertainty in a data-sparse environment. Uncertainty sources are separated to ensure low likelihood uncertainty distribution tails are not rejected to examine the interaction of sources of uncertainty. Three daily resolution hydrologic models (HYPE, WATFLOOD, and HEC-HMS), forced with three precipitation ensemble realizations, generated from five gridded climate datasets, for the 1981–2010 period were used to examine the effects of cumulative propagation of uncertainty in the Lower Nelson River Basin as part of the BaySys project. Selected behavioral models produced an average range of Kling-Gupta Efficiency scores of 0.79–0.68. Two alternative methods for behavioral model selection were also considered that ingest streamflow uncertainty. Structural and parameter uncertainty was found to be insufficient, individually, by producing some uncertainty envelopes narrower than observed streamflow uncertainty. Combined structural and parameter uncertainty, propagated to simulated streamflow, often enveloped nearly 100% of observed streamflow values, however, high and low flow years were generally a source for lower reliabilities in simulated results. Including all sources of uncertainty generated simulated uncertainty bounds that enveloped most of the observed flow uncertainty bounds including improvement for high and low flow years across all gauges although the uncertainty bounds generated were of low likelihood. Overall, accounting for each source of uncertainty added value to the simulated uncertainty bounds when compared to hydrometric uncertainty; the inclusion of hydrometric uncertainty was key for identifying the improvements to simulated ensembles.


  • Hydrologic models are used to generate many different types of output, most frequently streamflow

  • Performance of behavioral simulations The performance varied for each model (Table 4); HECHMS has the largest range in Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) for five locations, ­WATFLOOD has the largest range in KGE values for four locations, and Hydrological Predictions for the Environment (HYPE) has the largest range in KGE values for two locations

  • Structural uncertainty without the inclusion of hydrometric uncertainty will likely appear as the highest quality flow ensemble;

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Hydrologic models are used to generate many different types of output, most frequently streamflow. Models make various simplifications when representing a target physical environment (e.g. Clark et al, 2015), and these simplifications, among the other sources, introduce uncertainty to. § Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Program, ­University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, British Columbia, CA. ‖ Environmental Science and Engineering Program, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, British Columbia, CA simulated output. Uncertainties interact within a hydrologic modeling framework by propagation. All methods for quantifying uncertainty are limited by subjectivity (Kavetski et al, 2003; Kavetski et al, 2006; Beven and ­Binley, 2014). Examination of the subjectivity in uncertainty estimation methods is a common topic that has driven the development of the many uncertainty estimation frameworks ­available in the literature (Matott et al, 2009)

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