
Abstract A culvert is a conduit placed under a road to convey surface water from one side to another. Culvert design involves both hydraulic and structural design. Culvert design involves selection of the type of culvert and size to pass the design discharge without overtopping of the road and without erosion on either end of the culvert. With consideration of the site data, a designer should establish allowable outlet velocity and maximum allowable headwater depth. The most common shapes for culverts are circular, elliptical, box, and arch. Common culvert materials include concrete (reinforced and nonreinforced), smooth and corrugated steel, aluminum, and plastic. Two types of flow controls are in culverts: inlet control and outlet control. Culvert design typically requires complex hydraulic calculations to appropriately incorporate energy losses caused by entrance, friction, and exit. Application of computer software is recommended for culvert design.

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