
— Nowadays, globalization spreads around the globe as an inevitable necessity. It reaches places over the world and even remote villages. Globalization, marked by new discoveries and innovations, has greatly facilitated the life of humankind, so they can easily communicate from different parts of the world. Advances in information technology, especially those that open various global accesses, have made the world increasingly narrow (shrinking globe). The era of globalization has brought many conveniences for humankind in technology and information. This era seems to make the world without borders, but it also brings many negative effects. Another phenomenon of globalization is the decreasing tren in young generation’s understanding of noble cultural noble values ​​embraced and upheld by the society. It leads to the lack practice of such values among young generation who tend to adhere to global cultures that are in some parts incompatible with the local and national ones. Education as a process of civilization, enculturation, and acculturation is also a medium for cultural conservation, transmission, and preservation of national culture along with its noble values. Culture-based education is seen as a vehicle for understanding, application, and preservation of noble values ​​to maintain them againts the eroding tides of globalization. Culture-based education can be implemented can be applied in three ways: learning about culture, learning with culture, and learn through culture

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