
 This article discusses the culture shock of students from Kangean at the Salafiyah Syafi'iyah
 Islamic Boarding School in Sukorejo, Situbondo. Culture shock is a situation where a person is
 not familiar with the social habits of a new culture, so that an
 individual cannot display behavior
 that is in accordance with the rules in the new environment. The students from Kangean, who are
 from the island of Madura, are students who tend to be tough in character. But he will love people
 who don't hurt him. It is
 important to know about the community's background in terms of area
 and geographical conditions because people from the beach have a different character from people
 from the mountains. From the beach every day they fight the waves, feel the hot atmosphere
 the hot sun so that psychologically they are associated with a reactive attitude towards something.
 When entering a new environment, namely an Islamic boarding school in Java, it was interesting
 to see how this Satri from Kangean communicated with peo
 ple of a different culture, and reached
 the level of culture shock.
 This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method. A method
 for examining the status of a group of people, an object, a condition, a system of thought, or a class
 of events in t
 he present. The aim of this descriptive research is to create a systematic, factual and
 accurate description, picture or painting of the facts, characteristics and relationships between the
 phenomena being investigated. The results of this research are tha
 t in the adaptation process,
 Kangean students go through phases of cultural adaptation, such as the honeymoon phase where
 students from Kangean experience a move so that they will feel happy because they are in a new
 atmosphere, the Disintegration phase of
 culture shock where students from Kangean will
 experience a the feeling of discomfort caused by differences, then the adjustment phase
 (Reintegration) where the students from Kangean begin to open themselves up to cultural
 differences, then the Autonomy p
 hase (familiarity with the situation) phase where a person
 becomes increasingly able to adapt because he has passed the previous phases like his anxiety and
 restlessness can be accepted and he accepts all the differences that exist. And the last one is the
 Independence phase, a phase where they enjoy the existing differences and a person is more
 confident when faced with the rhythm of a new environment and existing challenges

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