
A bottleneck for re-establishment or enhancement of lobster (Homarus gammarus L.) populations through release of hatchery-produced juveniles is ineffective and expensive juvenile production. In this study, we cultured lobster juveniles from stage V to a size being suitable for re-establishment or enhancement purposes (40–50 mm total length) in cages submerged under existing facilities for culture of bivalves. The lobsters were not feed or tended during the culture period (6–14 months). The survival and growth rates were similar or higher compared to what has been achieved with other methods used for culture of lobster juveniles in the past. The highest survival (82–89%) and fastest growth (4–5 cm total length over 190–250 days) were achieved using commercial oyster baskets. It is believed that the juveniles fed on naturally occurring plankton and organisms growing inside the cages. Thus, the current study shows that it is possible to culture lobster juveniles for reestablishment or enhancement purposes in a way that would involve less investments and operational costs than earlier used methods as there would be no need for artificial heating of water, for large buildings or for continuous feeding and tending of large numbers of juveniles.

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