
rganiation culture of higher education institutions is present in leadership, administration and management of the institution and is inu- enced by external social and environmental factors. The culture also is closely linked to the goals, values, and mission of the organization and the criteria by which to measure organization success. The purpose of the article is to analyze how an International Black Sea University is effectively trying to implement dominant culture within various nationalities and functional groups, such as, students, lecturers and admin- istrator groups. he article sees to answer the following uestions: hat is the policy and strategy of the multicultural niersity in creating its dominant culture? How is the culture managed and maintained? Which groups participate in creation process of the organization culture in the course of time? The research focuses on a study of a single phenomenon, as it explores the culture of one particular university. An ethnographic approach has been chosen for the present qualitative study which basically relies on qualitative methods including a long-term observation and interviews. The article deals with the many aspects of University culture management, studies some factors, and mainly the organization’s vision, that help the staff turn into a single unit. S, lie other multi-national organiations, eperiences difficulties in establishing coordinated initiaties in culture management. The university has to meet the expectations of the different groups and subgroups of its clients, such as, students, profes- sors, executives, government, and society. Each of these segments requires a particular management to persuade and stimulate them to share the University’s dominant culture. Universities are directly and heavily affected by political and socio-economic changes in the region. .The core alues S culture is based on are: euity, integrity, euality, tolerance, peaceful co-eistence, respect and appreciation etended to representatives of minorities, strong leadership, struggle for change and innovations to achieve high quality in education. In the era of globali- zation the main goal of each international university should be a development of individual cultural model which will distinguish it from others..

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