
The chestnut tree has a great multifunctionality: production of fresh nuts of quality also recognized by European Union labels (PGI, POD, etc.), and related processed products; excellent wood, with optimal technological characteristics, widely used for various purposes; environmental, tourist-recreational functions as well as protection of the territory, of difficult quantification, but that in certain areas may exceed the commercial value of the productions. An original initiative aimed at increasing the value of the Chestnut Tree and Its Resources is the Itinerant Expositive Sector, created by Elvio Bellini with the collaboration of the Georgofili Academy of Florence, that is articulated in 5 exhibitions: Pomological, Processed Products, Old and New Publications, Thematic Posters, Artistic-Photographs. The Thematic Poster Exhibition is now composed of 50 titles of different aspects: historical, agronomic, environmental, gastronomic and alimentary, cultural, also of foreign chestnut landscapes (Portugal, Spain, Turkey and France). The numerous images presented, approximately 700, belong to Bellini's slide collection. Each poster is illustrated with a series of colour photographic images and commented with short but exhaustive captions. In this exhibit 40 thematic posters (size of 100×80 cm) are exposed.

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