
Fruit production regions around the world are now experiencing significant changes in their growing conditions. Farmers already face greater challenges growing temperate fruits in subtropical and tropical regions compared to temperate regions, but time of production provides substantial farm gate returns. Climate variability is impacting on profitability, yields, fruit quality and phenological performance. Breeding of new low-chill cultivars and selection of new rootstocks have assisted farmers to negate some effects of climate variability. New cultivars have also allowed new growing regions to be developed. Market niches that were not previously considered accessible are now being targeted with temperate fruit from subtropical and tropical regions. New training systems that improving light penetration into the canopy and canopy management practices to control vegetative growth have substantially increased fruit size and enhanced fruit quality, providing consumers with a highly consistent product. Crop manipulation practices to enhance and concentrate flowering periods, decrease harvesting costs, improve fruit quality and increased the profitability of growing temperate fruits in subtropical and tropical regions. Furthermore, cultural practices, such as the use of new fertiliser and irrigation management practices and crop manipulators to delay fruit maturation have also significantly enhance fruit size and quality. The growing temperate fruits in subtropical and tropical of regions of Asia has significantly improve the socioeconomic status of poor ethnic minority groups living in areas where low-chill temperate fruits can be successfully grown.

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