
The rice-cum-fish culture is an integrated farming system in which, rice is the main enterprise and fish production is taken as additional means to secure extra income. The present study was designed to identify the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents, cultural practices, profitability and problems and constraints faced by the rice-cum-fish farmers. Sherpur district was selected for the study on the basis of extensive cultivation of rice-cum-fish culture. The simple random sampling technique was used for primary data collection from 40 rice-cum-fish farmers through semi-structured interview schedule. Both tabular and functional analyses were used to analyze the collected data. Socioeconomic analysis showed that 37.5% of the respondents were aged between 41-50 years, 12.5% of the respondents were illiterate, 55.7% respondent’s primary occupation was agriculture and 50% of the household annual income was between Tk. 150000-250000. The study also showed that about 42.5% of farmers have their own plot, 62.5% of farmers cultured fish in the paddy field commercially, 55% farmers were engaged with monoculture, 47.5% of the respondents collected their fingerling from private hatcheries, monosex tilapia was mainly cultured in the paddy field and 70% respondents used ready feed for feeding. The profitability analysis showed that per hectare gross return, net return, and gross margin was found to be Tk. 355180, Tk. 230879, Tk. 246179, respectively. Undiscounted benefit- cost ratio was found to be 2.86. The study also identified some of the problems and constraints associated with rice-cum-fish culture. About 97.5% and 95% of the respondents replied that lack of good quality seed and fingerling and lack of extension services were their main problems, respectively. Rice-cum-fish farming is the new option for rural people to improve their livelihood. Government and other concern organizations should take necessary steps to improve the rice-cum-fish cul

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