
Objective. The objective of the article is to analyze and compare Arab Cultures Cultural awareness; to dentify communication barriers in order to enable effective intercultural communication and successful management of the educational process for foreign students from the Arab states because there is a direct dependence on the critical communication skills of university administration and educators, involved into both recruitment of foreigners as candidates for study and educational process of Ukrainian universities. Methods. The main scientific results are obtained using the method of theoretical generalization, which made it possible to determine and nature of intercultural communication, its features and communication barriers; comparative-pedagogical — to compare historical-pedagogical phenomena, events and facts of the socio-cultural life of the studied culture; the problem-genetic method — to justify the provisions regarding the analysis of problems that may hinder effective intercultural communication between representatives of Ukrainian culture and Arab culture studying in Ukrainian educational institutions. Results. The theoretical analysis of the nature of intercultural communication made it possible to identify the types of possible barriers that prevent effective intercultural communication of representatives of Ukrainian and Arabic culture, studying in educational institutions of Ukraine. Interpretation and analysis of the genesis of possible barriers will lead to effective intercultural communication and successful management of the educational process for foreign students because there is a direct dependence on the critical communication skills of university administration and educators, involved into both recruitment of foreigners as candidates for study and educational process of Ukrainian universities.

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