
Before hypotheses capable of empirical testing can be deduced from the general theory of social conflict causation, sociologists must achieve accurate descriptions of the cultural integration existing in a given area at a given time. If the "culture conflict" theory is valid, there should be a diminution of personal and societal conflict when there is a diminution of confusion and contradiction in a given culture. Since all culture patterns in any society either are waxing, waning, or are in relative equilbrium, research should determine the rate, direction, and intensity of change. For the United States a list of propositions is suggested which might be tested in this way. The mere existence of contradictions can be objectively determined. It is necessary to postulate some principles of integration before it can be shown which one of the contradictory elements is obstructing cultural integration. Such postulates need be valid in no other sense than "generally accepted." Cultural confusion in this country derives historically from its founding by groups with different cultural backgrounds, with opposing political ideas, and with conflicting religious faiths. The contradictory elements were accentuated by succeeding waves of immigration. Technological development, education, the changing status of women, religious revolution, and a trend toward democratization of the social order have introduced further conflicting elements. Since change is a fundamental characteristic of all natural phenomena, complete integration is neither possible nor desirable. The sane ideal is a rationally directed change based upon scientific planning and control that will reduce societal friction to a minimum.

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