
The topic of the article concerns the evolution of jurisprudence in the definitions of the language of sociocultural of its historical time. Among the factors of changes in legal analytics and the style of argumentation, the key place is occupied by the category-concept of concept. Concepts express basic ideas concerning the mental and cognitive foundations of the development of law and the science of law. As part of the approaches to the study of law and the science of law, a special place is occupied by cultural and historical jurisprudence, analytical the toolkit of which is designed to identify, describe, and explain conceptual and institutional shifts and transitions in the development of legal systems. Each historical epoch of the evolution of law and the science of law exists and defines itself within the framework of its legal and psychological picture of the world, its basic concepts, and the normative grammar of proper or improper law and order. The language of socioculture, constituting simultaneously the plan of expression of the conceptual picture of the world and the plan of content of its actual meanings and meanings, not only reflects the legal reality, but also shapes it. Each historical epoch speaks the language of its socio-culture, which is analytically and practically reflected both in the composition and definitions of legal science and in the legal constructions of the existing legal order.

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