
Nowadays, we are living in a real global village and connected world, without any state borders. Communication is something we take for granted. Everywhere and every time we see and witness there is someone talking on a cell phone or listening to an iPod or MP3 player. At working places and inside the class rooms, we are connected to the Internet. The World Wide Web is the source of information on every aspect of our daily life from natural resources for class papers, class assignments, and class presentations to chat rooms that allow people to connect and communicate with their friends using IT technology, to Facebook.com, Twitter.com, MySpace.com that finally allowing us to present and represent who we are in the ways of communicating with others.Most people, who are living in big cities and spending their leisure time, can be seen that they are connected to the Internet, TV, cell phones, music, play station, or video games. Life is such a cycle of momentum that able to connect every body, using mass-mediated communication, and or face-to face communication. We define that communication as the simultaneous sharing and creating of meaning through human symbolic interaction.People need to communicate effectively, especially in developing and improving the quality of multi-cultural society along with local Cultural Entrepreneurship skills and understanding. To be a good Cultural Entrepreneur, Communicators need to identify themselves as a good and recognized Public Figure also.

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