
Contents: D. Carbaugh, Introduction. D. Carbaugh, Part I:Culture Talking About Itself. G. Philipsen, Speaking Like a Man in Teamsterville: Culture Patterns of Role Enactment in an Urban Neighborhood. G. Philipsen, Reflections on Speaking Like a Man in Teamsterville. J.L. Daniel, G. Smitherman-Donaldson, How I Got Over: Dynamics in the Black Community. J.L. Daniel, G. Smitherman-Donaldson, How I Got Over and Continue to Do So in Our Mothers' Churches. D.L. Wieder, S. Pratt, On Being a Recognizable Indian Among Indians. D.L. Wieder, S. Pratt, On the Occasioned and Situated Character of Members' Questions and Answers: Reflections on the Question, Is He or She a Real Indian? T. Katriel, G. Philipsen, What We Need is Communication: Communication as a Cultural Category in American Speech. G. Philipsen, Reflections on Communication as a Cultural Category In American Speech. T. Katriel, 'Griping' as a Verbal Ritual in Israeli Discourse. T. Katriel, Reflections on the Israeli 'Griping' Ritual. D. Carbaugh, Rules in Donahue Discourse. D. Carbaugh, Part II:Intercultural K. Liberman, Intercultural in Central Australia. K. Liberman, An Ethnomethodological Agenda in the Study of Intercultural T. Kochman, Force Fields in Black and White T. Kochman, Cultural Pluralism: Black and White Styles. J.K. Chick, Interactional Accomplishment of Discrimination in South Africa. J.K. Chick, Reflections on Language, Interaction, and Context: Micro and Macro Issues. R. Scollon, S. Wong-Scollon, Interethnic S. Wong-Scollon, R. Scollon, Epilogue to Athabaskan-English Interethnic Communication. D. Carbaugh, Part III:Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Phenomena. K. Basso, Give Up on Silence in the Western Apache Culture. C.A. Braithwaite, Communicative Silence: A Cross-Cultural Study of Basso's Hypothesis. S.U. Philips, Sources of Cultural Variability in the Regulation of S.U. Philips, Epilogue to Some Sources of Cultural Variability in the Regulation of Talk. J.R. Searle, A Classification of Illocutionary Acts. M.Z. Rosaldo, Things We Do With Words: IIongot Speech Acts and Speech Act Theory in Philosophy. J.R. Searle, Epilogue to the Taxonomy of Illocutionary Acts. D. Hymes, Epilogue: To The Things We Do With Words.

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