
The paper examines the situation in Bulgaria after the arrival of large numbers of immigrants from the Middle East, in terms of their ability to enter the labor market. The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential and obstacles for the labor integration of refugees and asylum seekers, taking into account the attitude of the Bulgarian society towards this group and its inclusion in the labor market. The proposed analysis uses statistics from the National Statistical Institute, the State Agency for Refugees, data from two nationally representative empirical studies, and interviews with citizens of Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan in the refugee centers. The objective and subjective prerequisites of labor integration of immigrants have been considered - the situation on the labor market, incl. taking into account changes in the age structure of the population in the country, the socio-demographic characteristics of immigrants, their subjective intentions, the attitude of the local population towards them, opinions on equality in the labor market. Particular attention has been paid to the dependence of these attitudes on the perception of threats associated with the presence of immigrants in the country, socio-demographic characteristics, value systems. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that a low educational level, as a rule, accompanied by a lack of any professional skills, combined with a previous life in a completely different material and organizational environment, is a serious problem in the process of adaptation to new material and cultural living conditions, to new standards and behavioral patterns of the host society. In addition, for the majority of immigrants, Bulgaria is not the ultimate goal, but is only a transit corridor to Western and Northern Europe, and they do not intend to build their future in the country. As for the locals and their attitudes towards immigrants, a significant part of the population does not accept them. Discriminatory attitudes are quite common, including employment. But it should be said that over time the sense of threat weakens, and in general, when forming attitudes towards refugees, more and more importance is attached to their social qualities, and not so much to their religious and ethnicity. In this situation, value systems acquire key importance for the formation of a favorable environment that will motivate immigrants to settle, adapt, develop and realize themselves in the Bulgarian society. The general conclusion is that a systematic approach is required, covering all elements and interactions of the system of immigrants - institutions - local population.

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