
The article summarizes the ideas of the doctor of philosophy, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, long-term director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education (now Ivan Ziaziun Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) Ivan Andriiovych Ziaziun. The scientist was and remains one of the few representatives of the academic pedagogical elite who professed the “philosophy of the heart” in the education of a person, a people, and a nation, realizing himself and conveying to others the importance of the principles of nationality and citizenship. It has been proven that Ziaziun’s worldviews, evaluations, and conclusions were clearly consistent with the ideas of famous Ukrainian teachers and educators H. Skovoroda, P. Yurkevych, B. Hrinchenko, H. Vashchenko, S. Rusova, V. Sukhomlynskyi, K. Ushynskyi.
 Attention is focused on the fact that according to I. A. Ziaziun’s conviction, a pedagogue, teacher, and enlightener is the main subject of civilizational progress, able to unite and educate the people in the image of a full-blooded nation, which contains in its structure not only good “those who sow buckwheat”, but above all wise spiritual leaders and courageous warriors. That is why the afterword of his boo-confession “Pedagogy of Goodness” contains his emotional address, in which he especially singles out the Teacher’s mission.
 It has been found that I. A. Ziaziun’s understanding of the modern school essence, the significance of “learning well” value is unthinkable without quality pedagogical work of the mind and heart. That is why he professed Skovoroda’s "Philosophy of the Heart". It is a product of Ukrainian intellectual thought, in psycho-pedagogical theory and practice, and his creative life. Honor to the Mother, the son’s duty, national shrines, Ukraine, universal human values and ideals, a moral example in upbringing, civic position, and rank were ethical measures of personality for Ziaziun. Therefore, he was always a supporter of returning to education a sense of honor, and national and human dignity in his society, and at the level of interstate relations, he taught not to serve other countries and peoples like a serf.

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