
Sundarban plays an important role in ecotourism and livelihood development as the natural heritage site. Both domestic and international tourists visit Sundarban for recreation and learning. International visitors come to see the World Heritage Site Sundarban crossing the boundaries. There is no boundary for heritage and cultural tourism. Revenue comes from tourism and indirect support services contribute to the local and national economy through natural heritage tourism. Direct and indirect employment opportunities have been created for the community. Boat riding, fishing, local food, accommodation, local transport, handicrafts, and guide services are the important field of employment. At the natural site like Sundarban, people can present their culture (folk song, occasional festivals) and heritage (temples) to domestic and international tourists. Students and researchers come to the site for education and research for gaining new insights into it. Sundarban also teaches people about biodiversity, wildlife habitats, protection and regulation services, and how to living 72with nature. It was understood that human endurance pursuit is connected with the attraction of the adjoining environment. Nature has been departed due to human activities and so-called progress, but the heritage site put them together for the conservation of their culture and identity. Heritage tourism is the safest effort for the protection of frail flora and fauna as well as makes better engagement opportunities to the community people. The Sundarban resolves many problems for the community including their livelihoods, natural resources conservation, cultures, values, and the spirit of the local community. Cultural ecosystem services and traditional ecosystem knowledge can connect the local community and mangroves for the sustainability of culture, heritage, and livelihood. There is no boundary of natural heritage tourism from international perspectives. Local culture and history is the main concern of natural heritage.

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