
Relevance. The relevance of this study is conditioned by the dual standards of institutionalisation of artistic and educational practices, must meet the principles of creating cultural objects as material products of high culture and aesthetic level, but, at the same time, must meet the requirements of the time, standards and educational tendencies of its time. Thus, a conflict of artistic vision and the standards of accumulated artistic experience is formed, which must be resolved in a process of dialogue and permanent collaboration of the two practices: educational and artistic.Purpose. The purpose is to investigate the basic vectors of the institutionalisation of educational and artistic practices, identifying priority ways of institutionalising both practices and the space for their interaction in scientific research.Methodology. The main scientific methods for researching the topic are the basic general scientific theoretical methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparative to deduce the main regularities and characteristic features in the processes of institutionalisation of artistic practices, as well as systematisation and classification methods to form the structure of the main educational artistic strategies based on common and unique features.Results. As a result of this study, a generalised system of the main processes of institutionalisation in the cultural sphere was created, the characteristic features of these processes were identified, and a comparative analysis of the research achievements with the existing positions of researchers in historiography was carried out. The results of the research prove the ambiguity of the perception of institutionalisation processes for culture, demonstrating the polarity of the positions of representatives of different areas of activity: education and the art.Conclusions. The focus on the main trends in cultural and artistic education strategies allows solving the problem of the antagonism between the current educational standards and the creativity of cultural and artistic figures.

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