
Experimentation regarding the inocuity of the suspension of lamb eimerial oocysts multispecific, ultrasonated, on hen embryo led to the following: At microscopical controls made at 4 and 8 days after inoculation there was found the presence of young eimerial trofozoits and schizonts in 20% from embryos inoculated in conoalantoid and alantoid cavities. Embryos inoculated in amniotic cavity, vitelin bag and the witness were negative. In histological sections there were identified: residual eimerial oocysts, non-viable and/or viable with the sporozoites hypertrofiated and with clear structure and hypercromatic content; trofozoites and even schizonts with diameters between 20-40 um, with granular structure and thin membrane. Through electron microscopy trofozoites existence was confirmed on large beaches in the mass of corioalantoid cells or in the stage of degeneration and also of schizonts in the moment of nuclear differentiation. Our experiments confirm the possibility of maintenance and cultivation, up to young schizont stage and then forms regress, of eimeriosis from Iamb on hen embryo inoculated at 10 days in alantoid and corioalantoid cavities and incubated at 41°C.

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