
Education is the foundation of a country’s long-term development. The level of education and teaching is an important criterion that affects the country’s cultural soft power and overall national strength. At this stage, with the increasing development of the social and economic environment and the long-term inertial use of the exam-oriented education model with exams as the core, not only students, teaching concepts are backward, lack of cultural literacy, and the concept of utilitarianism has greatly affected the social mentality of citizens. The formation of humanism is also a necessary condition for the development of humanism. This article mainly introduces the research on the cultivation of humanistic literacy of college physical education students in the information age. A prerequisite for the level. The exSPORTrimental results of this paSPORTr show that the research on the cultivation of humanistic literacy of college physical education students in the information age has increased the comprehensive quality of college physical education students by 9%. The limitations of the research on the cultivation of humanistic literacy of college physical education students in the information age, for Provide good indoor path planning methods and approaches for the application of ant colony algorithm to analyze, discuss and summarize, so as to enrich the academic research results.

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