
The purpose of this article is to highlight the possibilities of successful grape growing based on the use of agro-climatic resources of the Eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine, in particular, the relevant areas of Kharkiv region. Main material. Attention is drawn to the needs to intensify research and practical activities on the cultivation of grapes in the region. In the agricultural sector of Ukraine interest in cultivating grapes is growing in more in northern areas, than in its traditional distribution area. An urgent task is a more thorough study of agro-climatic conditions, clarifi cation of agro-clima tic zoning of this culture and the development of practical recommendations. This is especially true of the Eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine and its individual areas, including the northern part of Kharkiv region. This industry, judging by the success of farms and individual economies, can be highly profi table throughout the region but with some reservations. Currently, one of the problems of viticulture is to obtain suffi cient yield to supply the population. For this purpose, the author identifi es the features of the natural conditions of the region. Clarifi cation of agro-climatic features of the territory can be considered as a multi-stage task of agro-climatic zoning at diff erent levels. The Eastern forest-steppe region should be considered as part of a large agroecosystem, occupying a signifi cant place in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. Of particular interest are the climatic indicators, the assessment of which allows to justify the grape culture management. These indicators are grouped together. The most important of them are temperature, humidity, light conditions and features of the winter period. Distribution of rainfall (fl ow of water) in the phases of grapes development during the active growing season is also important. It is also necessary to pay a???? ention to the use of other indicators. Most of them are closely related to the hydrothermal coeffi cient (HTC) - the simplest and most informative indicator. It should be added that using special agricultural techniques cultivation of certain grape varieties can be possible in the north-east of Ukraine. Conclusions. The study of suitable forest-steppe agrometeorological regions in Kharkiv region for growing grapes in natural conditions continues to be relevant. This difficult task requires a lot of effort and involvement of specialists.

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