
To arrange a system of virus-free potato seed production in the Sakhalin region, a series of studies undertaken to come up with a method towards potato material cultivation in film-gauze greenhouses. At the initial stage, the key agrotechnical methods were developed for growing test-tube microplants, including optimal planting plans – 70×15 cm (the highest yield derived from a standard mini-tuber fraction pcs/m2), 70×30 cm (for clone selection); spraying with insecticides (Aktellik – 3 l/ha, Rogor – 2 l/ha) and fungicides (Ridomil – 1 kg/ha, Tsineb – 2.4 kg/ha) to combat agents transmitting viral and fungal infections; chlorocholine chloride treatment (1.1%) to reduce the growth of the vegetative mass; serological analysis of plants for latent infection with viruses X, Y, S, M, F; burning tops with Reglon (2 l/ha) 2 weeks before harvesting. A set of agrotechnical methods used for producing healthy seed tubers on the Timiryazevskoye seed farm made it possible to reduce the elite cultivation cycle from 5 to 4 years, increase the yield by 57.2%, and reduce the production cost by 43.5%. Subsequently, the methods worked out for producing potato seeds were improved based on modern breeding varieties and phytoregulators (Azolen, Elena, Extrasol, Epin-Extra, Zircon) in spray mixtures with the fungicide Shirlan, contributing to an increased yield up to 34% and efficiency of a standard seed fraction up to 33%. Under production conditions, this method provided a conditionally net income of 450-700 thousand rubles/ha.

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