
Oyster mushrooms have ability to grow utilizing various lignocellulose substrates (Khan and Garcha, 1984). In our present work a comparative study on the cultivation and yield of Pleurotus sajor-caju using different compost composition were carried out. Six different lignocellulose materials like paddy straw, saw dust, shredded wood, rice husk, paper waste and sugarcane bagasse were used to prepare ten types of compost combinations for the cultivation of oyster mushroom. The shortest period for pinhead formation was determined to be 9 days on sugarcane bagasse compost, whereas the longest period for the same was determined to be 18 days on paddy straw and saw dust combination. The total harvest period of oyster mushroom was noted to be 41 days for sugarcane bagasse and the longest harvest period noted was 55 days on paddy straw and saw dust mixture. The highest yield was 154.8 gm on paddy straw and sugarcane bagasse mixture (1:1).

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