
This article highlights processes for infusing comprehensive school physical activity programming (CSPAP) into the physical education teacher education (PETE) program at the University of Idaho (UI). The PETE program uses a modified leadership framework to target learning outcomes and activities pertinent to CSPAP. Student CSPAP knowledge and practice is strengthened and put into practice by taking three Department of Movement Science core courses focused on individual and community healthy active lifestyles (HAL). The two community service-learning HAL courses focus on assessment, programming pedagogy and marketing of HAL interventions. Knowledge, skills, dispositions, roles and opportunities are progressively sequenced for preservice students to develop effective Physical Activity Leader (PAL) role knowledge and experience, while meeting state physical education teacher standards. Through PAL training, workshops and teaching opportunities, faculty integrate public health prevention models, behavioral change theories, and motivational strategies in school, after-school and community-based settings. Research activities include leadership skill growth, the link between CSPAP assessment and advocacy, Idaho physical education teacher demand and CSPAP understanding, and the relationship between administrator support and technology use to support CSPAP.

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