
ABSTRACT The development and enhancement of creative thinking capacities is essential to marketing students’ success. But despite marketing students’ need to enhance and evidence their creative capacity skill set for the careers of the future, there exist few available models for marketing educators to introduce creative thinking skill development. This paper outlines how marketing educators can embed creative capacity skill development training in existing course designs using online masterclasses. Findings from a study of undergraduate marketing students enrolled in a pilot creative capacity development online masterclass reveal that this teaching innovation can be effectively employed to foster and enhance creative capacity skills. After participating in the embedded online masterclass, student assessments related to key creativity-development relevant learning objectives and ATTA scores both improved. This case example of microlearning and creativity focused skill development provides key insights into the ways in which we might develop the critical creative capacities of our students across disciplinary contexts using online microlearning modalities. A detailed project implementation plan and suggested model of masterclass content are provided for educators interested in helping learners develop the creative capacities they need for the careers of the future.

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