
Hereditary disorders of coagulation are genetic disease, among them arehemophilia that is attached to the X chromosome, so it manifests itself inmen; In them there is deficiency of coagulation factors VIII, IX and XI -HemofiliaA, B and C respectively-, according to the amount of deficiency of theseare classified as mild, moderate or severe. Another disease that is related tothe coagulation disorder is known as Von Willebrand disease whose proteinwith the same name is absent or diminished, another aspect to emphasizeis that this disease is not linked to sex. The correct clinical diagnosis and laboratory tests are part of a number of steps thatthe dentist must take into account to make adequate standards of care accordingto the treatment of each patient, whether scheduled consultation to perform proceduressuch as: surgery, endodontics, periodontics , dental extractions, oral surgeryprocedures; Or that it is necessary to carry out emergency treatments suchas: mucosal wounds, lacerations in the mouth, facial trauma, abscesses or cellulitis,dentoalveolar trauma, focusing not only on the clinical part but also on the adequatemanagement of the pain of each patient.

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