
This article attempts to establish a dialogue between two streams of historical stud- ies on the Virgin of Luján. On the one hand we have the investigations that have arisen within the Church, among which the works of Salvaire, Presas and Durán stand out. But -especially since the 1980s- studies have appeared that approach the history of the Church from a non-confessional perspective. These researchers were also interested in the phenomenon of Luján and some of its interpretations conflict with ecclesial tradition. We believe that it can be very enriching to establish a dialogue between the two perspectives. In order to do this, we need methodological guidelines and in this work we try to delinéate them from the proposal of Bernard Lonergan. Then, as an example, we applied this method in a dialectical dialogue around two topics: the religious origin of the Town of Luján and the motivations for the construction of the Basilica.

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