
We explore the possibility offered by magnetic materials with cubic anisotropy to realize reconfigurable magnonic crystals with a very simple geometry working at zero magnetic field. As a proof of concept, we use micromagnetic simulations to calculate the static and dynamic magnetic configurations of a squared antidot lattice made with ${\mathrm{Co}}_{2}\mathrm{Mn}\mathrm{Si}$ Heusler alloy having an anisotropy constant of about 17 \ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{} ${10}^{3}\phantom{\rule{0.25em}{0ex}}{\mathrm{J}/\mathrm{m}}^{3}$. We show that the cubic anisotropy allows very different magnetic states to be obtained at remanence as a function of the direction of a saturation magnetic field, including quasiuniform remanent states that cannot be obtained in materials with the same magnetic parameters but without crystal anisotropy. This leads to the possibility to excite or extinct several quantized spin-wave modes whose frequencies can be tuned with the antidot dimensions. Reconfigurable magnetic states are demonstrated for antidot sizes in the range 300--350 nm for a ratio between the antidot size and spacing equal to 1/3. The transition between two different remanent states can be obtained with low-amplitude magnetic field (down to 3.5 mT) and with a switching time faster than 1 ns, which is of great interest for applications. Oppositely, for a particular orientation of the antidot lattice with respect to the cubic anisotropy axes, we also obtain a single stable remanent state independent of the saturation field direction. Finally, propagation properties and frequency band gaps in an antidot lattice with lateral antidot size of 100 nm are studied for frequency-filtering applications at remanence. Both magnetostatic surface waves and magnetostatic backward-volume wave configurations are explored for different positions of the microwave excitation with respect to the magnonic crystal.

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