
From 1991 to 1993, an epidemic of optic and peripheral neuropathy-the largest of the century-broke out in Cuba, affecting more than 50,000 people. Initially the main clinical features were decreased visual acuity, central and cecocentral scotomas, impaired color vision and absence of the papillomacular bundle. Later, peripheral and mixed optic-peripheral forms began to appear. Due to the magnitude of the epidemic, the Cuban government requested help from the international community at the 46th World Health Assembly in 1993. PAHO and WHO immediately responded by sending a mission of international experts. Several hypotheses regarding the pathogenesis of Cuban epidemic neuropathy were put forward including: toxic, nutritional, genetic and infectious. The authors refer to extensive studies by researchers sponsored by the Cuban government and PAHO/WHO, joined by scientists from several other countries, including the USA. This paper describes their multidisciplinary work, particularly devoted to investigating the hypothesis of a primary toxic-nutritional cause of the epidemic. Clinical aspects, such as case definition and clinical description, were vital issues from the start. Cuban physicians who first examined patients received a clear impression of its toxic-nutritional origin, later confirmed by international experts. Research then focused on the mechanisms contributing to damage under the toxic-nutritional hypothesis. These included injuries to the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation pathway, nutritional deficiencies, excitotoxicity, formate toxicity and dysfunction of the blood-brain barrier. It was expected that the results of such international collaboration into this major health problem would also shed more light on mechanisms underlying other nutritional or tropical myeloneuropathies. KEYWORDS Optic neuritis, optic neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy, neurotoxicity syndromes, disease outbreaks, international cooperation, Cuba Erratum: Page 30, first complete paragraph, line 7, "Two models were developed independently by Cuban researchers" should read "Two models were developed independently by AAS and AGQ."

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