
CT diagnosis of peritoneal space is a complex part of the scan and it is difficult to introduce on axial sectionsbecause it is normal in a curved plane. The presence of 'blurred' or 'misty' mesentery, is the most common sign of the presence of pathological processes in the peritoneal cavity. Normal subperitoneal fat is low attenuation measurements, and any increase in the attenuation of these structures (from -60 to 0 HU) diagnostic is important. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role computerized tomography in the exploration and visualization of pathological changes in the mesentery. The study of prevalence on 28 patients was performed CT examination of the abdomen and pelvis within the Department of Radiological Diagnostics KBC 'Dr Dragisa Misovic-Dedinje' in Belgrade. We used a standard protocol recording the abdomen, based on testing by dynamic protocol by Rossi. All recording were performed at 16-slice scanner. In 18 of total 28 people (64%), saw the changes on mesentery, which were inflamantory origin, of which changes according to the type of 'misty' mesentery were recorded in 6 people with pancreatitis (33%), in 4 people with appendicitis (22%) in 7 persons with diverticulitis (39%), while in one there was panniculitis with pseudocapsule in the form of fat ring (6%). In the two people (7%), there was a 'misty' mesentery as a result of thrombosis of the superior mesenteric vein, while the 2 persons (7%), mesentery was altered as a result of hemorrhagic ischemia of the small intestine. One person (4%) had pathologically altered due to the mesentery of the small intestine primary tumors (carcinoid), and in 5 people (18%) were present as a result of adhesion sequelae after surgical intervention and radiation therapy. The sensitivity of CT diagnostics for obtaining positive results in people who have an inflammatory changed mesentery was 90% and specificity of the method was 87.5%, positive predictive value 94.7% and negative predictive value of 77.8% and a diagnostic accuracy 89. 3%. Based on the high values of sensitivity and specificity of the test examination in this study section, CT diagnosis of peritoneal space is required place in the diagnostic algorithm. Thanks to the multidetector scanners has been extended exploration peritoneal space, but despite the large contribution of software solutions, meticulousness in the review, as well as a high level of knowledge are essential assumptions to work, a review of these areas is always a diagnostic challenge.


  • Studijom preseka obuhvaćeno je 28 osobakod kojih je obavljen CT pregled abdomena i male karlice u okviru Službe za radiološku dijagnostiku KBC „Dr Dragiša Mišović-Dedinje“ u Beogradu

  • Time je omogućena diferencijacija na osnovu denziteta tih prikazanih struktura, u odnosu na lucentnu subperitonealnu i retroperitonealnu mast, tečnosti i nevaskularizovane, odnosno slabo vaskularizovane strukture, što omogućava identifikaciji struktura i karakterizaciju patoloških procesa na mezenterijumu

  • Na osnovu visokih vrednosti senzitivnosti i specifičnosti testiranih pregleda u ovoj studiji preseka, procenjujemo da CT eksploracija peritonealnih prostora ima primarnu ulogu u dijagnostičkom algoritmu, posebno u dijagnostici inflamatorne patologije peritonealnih prostora.Naša iskustva ukazuju i na značajno prisustvo vaskularnih i hirurških sekvela u peritonealnim prostorima

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ZNAČAJ KOMPJUTERIZOVANE TOMOGRAFIJE U VIZUELIZACIJI PATOLOŠKIH PROCESA MEZENTERIJUMA. Prisustvo „zamagljenog“ ili „misty“ mezenterijuma, najčešći je znak prisustva patoloških procesa u peritonealnoj duplji. Normalno subperitonealna mast je niskih izmerenih atenuacija, te svako povećanje atenuacije ovih struktura (od -60 do 0 HU) dijagnostički je značajno. Studijom preseka obuhvaćeno je 28 osobakod kojih je obavljen CT pregled abdomena i male karlice u okviru Službe za radiološku dijagnostiku KBC „Dr Dragiša Mišović-Dedinje“ u Beogradu. Mezenterijum, opornjak tankog creva, predstavlja peritonealnu duplikaturu visceralnog peritoneuma koji obavija vijuge jejuno-ileuma duž njihove zadnje ivice. Nalaz zamagljenog ili „misty“ mezenterijuma, najčešće je indirektan znak prisustva patoloških procesa u peritonealnoj duplji [2]. Imajući u vidu slabu prokrvljenost mezenterijuma (za razliku od omentuma), svako povećanje atenuacije ovih struktura (od -60 do 0 HU) dijagnostički je značajno

Inflamatorne promene na mezenterijumu
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