
Car production is a kind of activity that affects environment, society and global economy to a large degree. The most negative impact can be observed in the first of mentioned fields. Every day automotive companies consume big amount of energy and resources. What is more, their final products are considered as one of the main pollution sources. Nevertheless many car producers made effort to minimize negative external effects of their businesses. Year by year various CSR classifications and rankings showed that those efforts were resultful but Volkswagen emissions scandal and anti-diesel lobby shed new light on car industry in the terms of CSR. The aim of the article is to review CSR activities undertaken by Audi AG. Literature review and report analysis performed within the case study shows that the company is active in the field of ecology, society and corporate governance. In many terms Audi AG can be considered as the one of global CSR leaders. It is characterized by wide range of long term initiatives, high employee satisfaction and constant dialogue with stakeholders. On the other hand Audi AG can not be seen as a responsible company in the light of misleading customers to raise sales volume.


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