
Abstract Many scholars and companies are showing a growing interest in corporate social ersponsibility, a concept whereby companies decide voluntarily to contribute to solving socially important issues. This term is used then to describe what some researchers perceive as a company's obligation to be sensitive to the needs of all the stakeholders in its business operations. However, that concept is too often understood in means of ecology and being environmentally friendly and unfortunately merely few companies decide to consider social aspects in means of disabled consumers. A key to the success of every entrepreneurship that exists under the dynamically changing conditions of modern markets and economies lies in skill ful managing contacts with other market participants – does not matter whether the participant is a supplier, a competitor, a buyer or a final consumer. That is why all groups should be treated in an equal way – including disabled consumers, as they all – taken together or separately – can influence and create the future success of the company. This theoretical paper exemplifies the situation of disabled consumers in Poland, explores corporate practices related to CSR and shows the significance of the CSR concept considering disability in building competitive and efficient company.

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