
In its journey from well to beneficial use, CSG-produced water passes through multiple systems and processes. Understanding and managing these inter- and intra-system interfaces is vital to a successful outcome for capital and operating costs, water quality, brine management, and overall asset integrity. This extended abstract discusses a number of case studies and outcomes as described below. Optimising the gathering system—wells and trunk lines Whole lifecycle-downhole pressure operating costs (OPEX) versus gathering line size capital costs (CAPEX) Pipe size standardisation: trunk line OPEX versus trunk line size/cost; pressure versus materials Reliability and availability—node-to-node system analysis, influence, and conjunctive use Optimum network architecture and water treatment facility (WTF) location WTFs and water storages—protecting the core What’s in the water—water blending, pipeline corrosion management, and well/drilling products Reliability and maintenance: bigger WTF and water storages versus spares strategy and reliability management Manage inter plant streams—recovery costs less that waste management Treated water end use and brine management—a product people want Know your end user—getting it right early is a win for everyone Guidelines, regulation, and best practice—a potentially volatile mix? Optimising the number and location of WTFs based on end use—value versus risk Brine—commodity versus waste management; an understanding of the product, market, and risks is vital

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