
In a review article current data of cerebrospinal fluid investigation methods are present. It is described their ability to solve urgent issues of forensic practice, namely the postmortem interval, time of the injuries appearence and diagnosis of pathological states and processes that preceded or caused the death. In particular, the possibility of biochemical analytical methods of changes diagnosis of CSF compared with changes in biochemical parameters in the human blood both before and after death. Indicators studied spectrophotometric investigation of cerebrospinal fluid obtained by the authors as the people who died as a result of unexpected death, and drug overdose. Particular attention was paid to biophysical research methods because, as at present relatively little studied, they are promising, informative, relatively simpleand inexpensive when they are used in the of forensic bureau practice. The application of liquor impedansometry research methods for establishing of intravitality occurrence injuries, their severity and duration of the process of dying is successful. Several authors have demonstrated the advantages and possibilities of using crystallographic methods in the cases of the death of various origins.It allows us to estimate the cause of death and postmortem interval. It was also stated on the effectiveness of this method in the diagnoses of intravitality of hanging. After analysis of the published data, we concluded that, unlike commonly used in forensic practice methods that are not always effective and may not be reliable, modern investigation abilities liquid media and body fluids by laser polarimetry will identify and implement a practice new optical criteria and to develop new methods to diagnose postmortem interval and intravitality of the injuries.

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